Paul Faust


Paul Faust is a servant of Jesus Christ, attends The Shepherd’s Fellowship in Marion, Ohio and currently works as an Account Engineer for Nalco Water & Process Services. Paul attended Marion Technical College with a major in business management and has over 19 year’s business management experience in the manufacturing industry. In many different capacities he has worked inside of several fortune 500 companies.


Paul grew up in the town of Prospect, Ohio and Graduated in 1996 from Elgin High School. Paul attended the United Methodist Church growing up, and was raised in a Christian home with his parents John & Pam Faust as well has a brother (Scott) and a Sister (Abbie). Paul was married in 2004 and was blessed with two beautiful children Hannah and Hunter.

While attending Emanuel Lutheran church in Marion, Paul felt a calling to prison outreach ministry and started volunteering at Marion Correctional Institute through Horizon Prison Initiative. It was during this time that his passion for sharing the Gospel started to grow. By being an “outside brother” to the inmates, Paul was used in a mighty way through his personal struggles. By sharing his testimony of a broken marriage and worldly everyday battles, Paul touched the hearts of the incarcerated men who were hungry for the word of God. Paul realized during this period in his life that Christ was able to use him right in the middle of his brokenness to bless other brother or sister in Christ.

Paul started attending The Shepard’s Fellowship church in Marion, and in 2014 it was announced that OPG was hosting a mission’s trip to Haiti. It was during the trip to Haiti that Paul confirmed he had a mission’s heart and was drawn to the lost. What a humbling experience to be an active part in the body of Christ and having the opportunity to share this testimony. Since the mission trip Paul as immersed himself into the ministry, and passionately shares his transformation to global awareness. Paul looks forward to serving the Lord as a board member as well as spreading Christ’s love in Thailand and Haiti in 2015.