Tami Shobe


My story began when I became a Christian at Lakeside church camp when I was in high school. I soon met and married my hubby, whom shared my love for kids. We started foster care before we had our own children and did this for 28yrs. In the meantime we had 6 beautiful kids of our own.


I always felt the Lord pulling me to do more, so we became a host family for Healing the Children about 15 yrs ago. This was an organization, Children’s Medical Missions. We have been spreading Jesus love of his children for 13 yrs. It has been a wonderful opportunity to be a witness and light. The families of these children cannot believe a stranger would do this for their child.

All host parents are Christians and take the children to church each Sunday. They all go home with a Bible in their language. A lot of the families are Muslim, and we have had several fathers give there hearts to the Lord.One 6ft Muslim man, fell down on his knees at the airport as his daughter was returned to him in good health. He said,”I want to serve the God that you serve, that you would do this for my daughter!”

What a blessing!